O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
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O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }

ONE TONGUE's: TONGUE ONE *with*... x.its PLAN to save THE WORLD
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 The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion

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How many of you think SUPPORT *is* the most IMPORTANT of all... additions to everything really ?
 How many act *with* That ,as an actual 'action-abled' part of your own Believe system ?
 How many think accumulative utterances of that *are* needed to make IT an action-abled experience for others to depend upon ?
 How many of you think SUPPORT (as is today 18 / 4 / 2018) of all sorts... wears a plotted NOD to you ?
 ~~ Wears a Blotted Book ?
 ~~ Could do with a Talking Mirror ?
 How many would just love to be that mirror ?
 ~~ *with* mE it's aim ?
 ~~ *with* Support it's aim ?
 ~~ *with* yourself it's aim ?
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Admin / io RE-search
Admin / io RE-search

Posts : 45
Join date : 2018-04-09
Age : 71
Location : London UK

The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Empty
PostSubject: The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion   The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion EmptyWed Apr 18, 2018 9:37 am

Now I know there are similarities in many of OUR experiences and desires (forum and otherwise-related).
BUT~ Wonder just how many of  you know, that it is not only meant to be that way BUT~ MUST...be that way, for any sort of progress to be made and that the WORD Discussion combined *with* General was NOT invented for any other reason BUT~ to Progress, ...... just in a General manner.

Wonder TOO just how many think Miscellaneous, can possibly be mis-understood by any claiming this Mother Tongue... as THEIR >>>>>> OWN ?

Not to mention of course the number who would rather swallow RED Flag! than face THE BULL { Forum of Forums leaves naught BUT FACT ! and little room for Broom } *WITH* GODfather TOO, in awe of HIS Creation... THE BULL!

BETTER *i* Think  ** BEST MAD'dammed QUORUM SUPPORT... Period ! **
( & OH, I'd keep THE RED BUT on Green Background with Blue Icon as is )
good colour to keep D*juices-competitive. A Fundamental *MUST* too
The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion 200x3010                                                                                                                                                  The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Visiti11

NOW BULL !  & GODfather too

mY 2 Permanent sidekick~ *IT-seems* and OH ! has, ever since a 16yr old directed @mE the misuse of MORON! spent Their entire lives as *i* have, doing everything *wE* could think of to make absolutely sure that THE BULL and IT's creator are indeed real.
Teased and tested *WITH* red FLAGs & at nigh on every opportunity.... it's ability to Recognise It's self. Dam near killed mE on more than one occasion.

The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion R_bull10............

Hello Support.and that means all of you others doing so too.
NOW it is vital that there be absolutely no doubt about it,
AND I do mean ABSOLUTELY vital, that it is NOT misunderstood
To me not least of all.
Tongue 1 Just 1.

I do not speak for anyone at all.

the how, why, when, where of if
I or anyone else does so
is the purpose of this forum

NOW what you and *i* are about to cogitate over, is the only fully supported and professionally conceived efforts of one mans awareness of the ultimate Human conundrum, big heads, sick heads and wanna be both heads.

Its genius was not in all the AWESOME column inches produced at its release, also at around the time of my birth in a Galaxy far, far away 

AND at that time only partially encumbered by White human Monkeys and Apes bent on owning and selling it 1 column inch at a time

Its other Black human monkeys and Apes south of the Equator had next to No Idea of GODs White Brown Yellow or any other colour for that matter ~ A belief system that had Flies well pleased that nigh on all the shit they had to explore was of the momE’s *Royal Families* and the long History BOOK of HER most Noble of Companions THE ELEPHANTS.

NOR was it in its challenge to big heads, sick heads or wanna be both heads
BUT~ rather, in all that He failed to Illuminate to those Big heads, sick heads and wanna be both heads & and i suspect he knew it  @THAT TIME

FOR_nigh on ALL of HIS following misanthropics were the failure to deal with all of White Americans ~then.. Big heads, sick heads and wanna be both heads.
*With THEIR then POWER Mantra~ Catch D’em early and you can abuse and sell D’em on anything, including the Idea that They and theirs were only doing it in the interests of…..
 keeping D’fright away. 

They of course not D’at FRIGHT themselves

Last edited by Admin / io RE-search on Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Admin / io RE-search
Admin / io RE-search

Posts : 45
Join date : 2018-04-09
Age : 71
Location : London UK

The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Conceits *MEAT* & Scum-ages BEHIND~ mY Screaming *Seem-ages*   The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion EmptyTue Apr 24, 2018 7:48 am

The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Full-1000x568-Test-for-FM-post
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Admin / io RE-search
Admin / io RE-search

Posts : 45
Join date : 2018-04-09
Age : 71
Location : London UK

The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion   The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion EmptySun Jul 09, 2023 2:27 pm

The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Xits_h10

The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Topic-11

The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Styx_f11

NOW! Before *I* suggest that there be a topic *u* will question the WORTH of, let me explain, full understanding of this sentence and or Paragraph.

TO ME~ does NOT mean WORTH and *it's* Nemesis      THE LIE      *wears the same face as *me*.

TO *me*........ ' FULL understanding = Talking to THE CONVERTED & will quite naturally result in " Who D*uck do you think *u* ARE to even think *u* should let alone actually suggest ( with any sort actions } that I CAN NOT ..... respond..... to what-ever *HIT *u* and OR *others* post HERE?

SO~ to reCAP, There ARE an AWEful number of *me's* out there..... that are quite literally ...... scared SHITless @THE VERY THOUGHT of suggesting ANY OTHER *me*,((  let alone  ME )) consider its *me*........... any more VALUABLE or LESS * worthy * than they or any other *me*.

AS FOR USING *** PLEASE ***, believe *me* A BITCH *when-u*......aim @your OWN *me*.

OH YES~ THE TOPIC, ( converted will know this  )... SUPPORT? YES BUT 1 that has THE LIE *under* the TOPIC SUPPORT

{{ any of that actually make sense? ..... }}
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PostSubject: Re: The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion   The forum of the forums :: Miscellaneous :: General Discussion Empty

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