O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
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O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }

ONE TONGUE's: TONGUE ONE *with*... x.its PLAN to save THE WORLD
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 STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion

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Admin / io RE-search
Admin / io RE-search

Posts : 45
Join date : 2018-04-09
Age : 71
Location : London UK

STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Empty
PostSubject: STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion   STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion EmptyWed May 02, 2018 4:06 pm

SO~ with Imagination UP and YOU-down
Can you envision THE PLAN -

' with NO OUT'.

Much like the  position of a Spider~ who MUST make a WEB... for eat, for Flies, other bugs and to make MomE(earth) Proud of ITs….. dedication to HER & LIFE.
AND~ mE StyxFLY (sic) who MUST both torque and Talk to you, all without touching the ‘coding’ of a sticky and deadly WEB.
A nigh on impossible position and considered by 'nigh on all' as an Impossible solution to MomE's wishes for.....

'Nigh on' however, is the loophole currently 'nigh on' all who use this language call THE MOTHER of Invention & Sold to 'nigh on' every child during their educative years as such

SO~ in that regard and with your artistic skill (and therefore Imagination so too proven) and well to fore of mind, would you consider allowing me to address you from now on as…… *** i O i &-Spiders tOO. ***
I also have no doubt that you have received many a weird and 'out of order' plea from many a personal WEB Dysfunctional & possibly even found 1 or 2 worth, if not your time, at least a laugh and should I prove to be such, you're welcome.

STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion T-1-just-one

Last edited by Admin / io RE-search on Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Admin / io RE-search
Admin / io RE-search

Posts : 45
Join date : 2018-04-09
Age : 71
Location : London UK

STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Empty
PostSubject: Re: STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion   STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion EmptyWed May 02, 2018 9:37 pm

If indeed you can follow that Spiders. I was not so taught, although I did hear it.

I was taught that ‘WE’ were ‘coded’… from start, to blame MomE’s for all the horrors ‘WE’ would unleash upon both MomE and Her daughters.

AND~ Had a Birth Mother who SAID… “ WELL OUT OF ORDER…SON

STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Main-Frame-MOMs1-e1525293420899

Last edited by Admin / io RE-search on Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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*momE* SAID ! i O i Too

*momE* SAID ! i O i Too

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Join date : 2018-04-14

STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Empty
PostSubject: Re: STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion   STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion EmptyFri May 04, 2018 1:01 pm

Admin / io RE-search wrote:
If i
ndeed you can follow that Spiders. I was not so taught, although I did hear it.

I was taught that ‘WE’ were ‘coded’… from start, to blame MomE’s for all the horrors ‘WE’ would unleash upon both MomE and Her daughters.

AND~ Had a Birth Mother who SAID… “ WELL OUT OF ORDER…SON

STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Main-Frame-MOMs1-e1525293420899

NOW MY BOY~ You\ve GOT mY Attention. ( *i* and mY Friends other *i* still can't make up our minds... about just what exactly ?
NOR *are* WE sure if *u* can SEE......Just what you've done to *our* 2 Heads.

Your other Member APE *Es* Shite, He's correct you are 1 hell of MOTHER *UCKER.
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Admin / io RE-search
Admin / io RE-search

Posts : 45
Join date : 2018-04-09
Age : 71
Location : London UK

STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Empty
PostSubject: Re: STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion   STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion EmptyFri May 04, 2018 6:27 pm

HELLO mom *Es*.

"Let mE Tell *YOU* Just WHO, (MOMe + *y*)...TAUGHT mE !

*with* ..... 'all' D*Fires of  ***  AND ***

                                                                       *ALL-in*.... *just* ONE *glance* 

NOW~ 'all' of *U* using THIS Mother Tongue ( I'm told ) *KNOW*
...that~ there *is* value in ~ Everything *all* *u*gotta *do*.......... is ; 


       ~ Of course *IT* will kinda, sorta MAKE~ Y'(wise) 

       ~ kind'a, sort'a...... IRRELEVANT ........ Don't *u* T*ink ?

B } HELLO *u*    " kind'a, sort'a .... The very 1st Thing  mom E    SAYs

( & to boot after  9 long MOMath'y months asking *just what D*uck* have *i* let mYself... in for )........

                    & then spends the rest of Her Life wondering ... if D*missive " GOT~ through to *U*. at all, @all..."

........ Of Course *in* mY case IT DID NOT~ 
~at least not until *i* managed to RELATE "all the SHIT from mY own baby arse *with/to* HER facial GRIMACE 
~& The realisation that *I* was / am *actually clocking* the whole MOMe / mE issue... in just 1 glance "

AND THEN SEE}  STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Icon_cheers    STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Icon_basketball    STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Icon_bounce    STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Icon_question.... ~ SUPPORT ~

1- Task (that never ends, but for HER ended with mE, when we parted at about 8/9 years old) 
.......However, and in mY case, usually supported bY most  Young, Seeking *minds* (just what D*uck have *i* let mYself in for) Desire to prove Mommies hopes TrueAND start to face being *supportive-oneself*.
...............................(which as I've already mentioned came up against SHUT THE *uck UP~ *u* MORON )

2- Trust ( & don't worry, *u-will* figure it out ) from closest Family Parentals, who had themselves found that School & close proximity to others at about the same age... did the trick... for them....mostly.

3- & TREE ~ Faith; that all of the supportive systems put into place, and *that* had allowed for them to get to Adulthood at 21 (and yes more than just a few of them too, said *uck dat* *i* can handle adultHOOD NOW. Now being at about 17 / 18 years old) Would allow for the children to....... joyfully, willingly & confidently join the supportives systems DESIRE~ for joyful, willing & confident.....supportives.

4- & FOR ~ HOPE (sadly) ; That such visual (above) mutilations of MOTHER TONGUE, would be allowed to remain in THE SEEKING Hands, Tongues, fingers and minds..... of those under the age of 21.

5- LIVE~ T*ank D*Worm..... FOR *** OBTUSE ***

Last edited by Admin / io RE-search on Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:58 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Join date : 2018-05-05

STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion Empty
PostSubject: Re: STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion   STYX FLY's *Dodgy* Situtaion EmptyThu Aug 30, 2018 9:55 am

Hello YOU,

Now there *will* always be MINDs THAT *will*:

approach,,,,, every thought, wether posted to net or not, via the short way from Z through Y to X, rather than spend the effort of starting at A through B, C, D etc.

AnD AFTER Admin, & *we* (Styx FLY and OH) his 2 sidekicks, are done~ NOT because they are lazy, stupid and or just plain DUM....

BUT~ because ALL of HUMANITY *does-NOW!* have THE PAST to point to & SAY~ LOOK what was achieved by those arseholes...... who did so. BY conveniently ignoring THE COST of course.....hopefully an aside THE REST *will* ALWAYS ADD...... THE< Admins, mine and OHs > intent.

BUT THAT *is* dependent upon ALL OF YOU ARSEHOLES who have  to-date been taught @THE *Worship ME* institutions you currently call schools, collages and universities AND teachers of course WHO no longer fear that Y *will-lead* to the questioning of their MORAL acceptance *and* Persistence .....in passing on.....that *worship ME* STANDING.

PLUS~ each *U* who of course who have to date, rack'd mY numbers UP- including that *ucking anonymous Google BOT . PRE-assumming ...that despite the use of so many FOUL WORDS...it is due, in no little regard to, the FINAL realisation THAT~ For Humanity .... there really, REALLY *is*.... NOW~ ...


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