O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }
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O i O MOM.Too { Don't *U* ? }

ONE TONGUE's: TONGUE ONE *with*... x.its PLAN to save THE WORLD
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Admin / io RE-search
Admin / io RE-search

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Join date : 2018-04-09
Age : 71
Location : London UK

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PostSubject: Your first subject   Your first subject EmptyMon Apr 09, 2018 5:47 am

Your first subject TONGUE-ONE-just-1

Your first subject 1500x300
Your first subject 400x400-iSEEs-THE-END                                                            
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Admin / io RE-search
Admin / io RE-search

Posts : 45
Join date : 2018-04-09
Age : 71
Location : London UK

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PostSubject: HELLO MOMs *E*s.... tOO   Your first subject EmptyFri May 11, 2018 12:15 pm

Your first subject MOMs-Lines-HELLO-e1504117434998
Your first subject 1dotMOM-THE-END...................                                                                                                                      Your first subject 400x500

Last edited by Admin / io RE-search on Fri May 11, 2018 1:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 14
Join date : 2018-05-05

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PostSubject: Re: Your first subject   Your first subject EmptyFri May 11, 2018 1:40 pm

HELLO MOMs.............
*IT* does get rather tricky.......................... BUT~ OH !  *that but.....? *     

WELL~ ADMIN *has-bY NOW* { *i* T*ink tOO } SHOWN *just-how* Important SIDEkicks *are*.

Wether....*they-can-SEE* that *those* SIDEkickers *are* 

                  no-more-*the*-ENEMY *than* THE ANIMALS *are*............

AND~ MAN~ DO-they-WANT-to KICK !         *u* Of course, *but* NOT-really *with-any* HURT -Behind them.
WELL MOM *e*   IT-SEEMs (*i* tOO).....                       .......Have.. (*i* tOO)  !

                                                          &&&&&&&& Oh! (*i* tOO) Know Owe *is* REAL.... tOO !

Last edited by STYX *FLY* on Thu May 17, 2018 7:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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*momE* SAID ! i O i Too

*momE* SAID ! i O i Too

Posts : 10
Join date : 2018-04-14

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PostSubject: Re: Your first subject   Your first subject EmptyFri May 11, 2018 3:59 pm

Crazy !  Crazy ? CRAZY ! (*i* tOO)     &~ NOW *i* want to *uck YOU~ tOO    !!!!!!

Like a fucking Fox, my boy.
          Where the hell did *u* learn to*hunt* Birds so well ?
NEVER~  *seen* Pussies stoop DOWN to *chicken-level*, Unless starving That is. 

Not *with-Pussies* that's for sure,,,, but.... OH ! (dam me, now I'm doing that tOO-*u* sure have 2 very interesting SIDEkickers my boy)

ANYWAY~ *i* SEE that *i* can come back and add later........ need to RE-examine .....just how many ways there are to *onE*
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Posts : 14
Join date : 2018-05-05

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PostSubject: Re: Your first subject   Your first subject EmptyThu Aug 30, 2018 9:52 am

Hello YOU,

Now there *will* always be MINDs THAT *will*:

approach,,,,, every thought, wether posted to net or not, via the short way from Z through Y to X, rather than spend the effort of starting at A through B, C, D etc.

AnD AFTER Admin, & *we* (Styx FLY and OH) his 2 sidekicks, are done~ NOT because they are lazy, stupid and or just plain DUM....

BUT~ because ALL of HUMANITY *does-NOW!* have THE PAST to point to & SAY~ LOOK what was achieved by those arseholes...... who did so. BY conveniently ignoring THE COST of course.....hopefully an aside THE REST *will* ALWAYS ADD...... THE< Admins, mine and OHs > intent.

BUT THAT *is* dependent upon ALL OF YOU ARSEHOLES who have  to-date been taught @THE *Worship ME* institutions you currently call schools, collages and universities AND teachers of course WHO no longer fear that Y *will-lead* to the questioning of their MORAL acceptance *and* Persistence .....in passing on.....that *worship ME* STANDING.

PLUS~ each *U* who of course who have to date, rack'd mY numbers UP- including that *ucking anonymous Google BOT . PRE-assumming ...that despite the use of so many FOUL WORDS...it is due, in no little regard to, the FINAL realisation THAT~ For Humanity .... there really, REALLY *is*.... NOW~ ...


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